Emergency Info
Emergency Information and Procedures for Central High School
Emergencies or Disasters
In the event of a major disaster (fire, earthquake, flood) during school hours, children will be kept at school. They will be released only to previously authorized individuals. The exception would be in the event of a serious injury, when we would send the child for emergency medical care. It is absolutely imperative that the Emergency Card at school be kept current and accurate. It is the primary document used to locate you or the people you’ve designated to pick up your child. Your child will NOT be released to anyone who is not on this emergency card.
Telephone systems quickly become overloaded in an emergency, so please do not try to phone the school. Instead, come to school or send a person from your emergency card to pick up your child. Check your local radio and television stations for information during local disasters and emergencies. Mark your local radio station on your radio’s dial. Your child should be made familiar with these stations and their roles in local emergencies.
What to do in an Emergency
While emergencies are not something we expect to happen, it is important to prepare for any eventuality our staff is dedicated to the safety of our students and is proactive in communicating and upgrading our emergency procedures and policies.
We have included school emergency protocol on our website to keep parents and staff informed and up to date.
What you can do to be prepared:
- Natural Disasters – Learn what to do in the event of an earthquake or fire
- Planning– Draft your family’s emergency plan with this PDF template.
Inclement Weather Days
During extreme weather conditions, please check your local radio station or television news channel for announcements of school closures.